Bernard Brunon
#27 —
Bernard Brunon,
THAT’S PAINTING Productions, Paris, 2017,
21 x 29,7 cm, photocopy, 100 copies.
Bernard Brunon was an art student in the 1980s in France. At that time, he was trying and failing to make paintings that wouldn’t be a representation of anything. When he moved to the U.S. for personal reasons, he had a couple of odd jobs to make a living, including house painting. He then realised that when he was painting a wall or a house, he was finally making a painting that wasn’t a representation. That’s how he created That’s Painting Production an artistic company covering the entirety of his artistic practice. For La Bibliothèque Fantastique he allowed me to make a copy of his 1996 catalogue which presented itself as a file with all the documents regarding the work he had done repainting the studio of The Art Guys in Texas. It was the first time he was presenting house painting in an artistic setting, hence the oddly shaped catalogue containing an interview and an artist resume.
L’artiste peintre en bâtiment Bernard Brunon a passé toutes ses études à tenter de faire une peinture dont la représentation serait exclue. C’est en déménageant aux USA qu’il crée That’s Painting Production, une entreprise de peinture en batiment qui recouvre sa pratique artistique. Dans le cadre de La Bibliothèque Fantastique, Brunon m’a autorisé à reproduire le catalogue réalisée en 1996 lorsqu’il repeint l’atelier des Art Guys au Texas. Cette édition se présente comme un dossier de chantier (photographies de repérage, devis, factures, etc.) enrichi d’un CV d’artiste et d’une interview.